
Today I woke up in (hopefully) the worst part of my cold - time to get better. It's sunny and beautiful this morning in Paris. We have to catch the 13:13pm train back to London today, Friday the 13th. We packed all our bags and hiked to the Metro to Le Gard Nord. The boys got to play with the neighbor on the first floors pooch. They called him doggy roundo.

It took three huge lockers to store all of aour luggage umbrellas, scarfs, jackets, and stroller. What a relief to get it all off our shoulders. We walked out the station with just over an hour to kill. We eventually stopped walking through a park to decide which way to go. This allowed the boys a couple minutes to run around. It was decided to find the Sacre Coeur or le Grand Marmon. In that time the boys found 8 toy army men. They look like the French, British, and American variety.
We made our way around the bend up a street and to another park - with a view of Sacre Coeur. I stayed in the park with Luke and Sam while the others went to a cafe. The park was full of little white preschool aged children all of which were being watched by black nannys.
We eventually wound our way back to our luggage, got through both French and English customs, and got on the train at 13:05pm - 8 minutes to spare.
The rain ride was nice and uneventful - except for one event. It had to stop to escort a man off the train. The same man Sari and Luke told us about on their way to the food car who had he thrown up his arms and yelled at the top of his lungs, "viva la Chen" (viva la China).
We arrived in London. Debbie arranged for a car service. We had the same guy and van that picked us up when we arrived almost two weeks ago. It felt nice to be back in London. The boys were very excited to be back at the London house.

We got settled then headed out the door to walk up to Highgate to a pub Cari wanted to go to. The Angel Pub. It had a replica of the victory winged statue we saw at the Louvre.

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