
The sun is shining through our second floor, east facing window this morning. Its deceiving because the warmth filtering through the window makes you think its a t-shirt and shorts day. However, when you open the window it is brisk. I was going to go with t-shirt, scarf and beanie. I'm glad I added a couple more layers. Later, as we started our walk up Whitehall Park to the Parkland walk it was more than brisk. It was cold.

It was sad for us all to say goodbye to Aunt Cari today. We had no agenda. One option was to find an olympic venue to visit so it would give us something to look forward to this summer. Instead it was decided that we would go on the Parkland walk and Pop and grandma would visit Sloan Street, Harrods, etc to shop.

Just like the pub manager told us Stanhope Road is two streets from the bridge, turn left and down the hill just a bit till you get to steps that take you up to Parkland walk. We almost missed the steps.

The road was quite busy with runners, bikers, and walkers. It was Sunday, afterall. It was like stepping out of London and into the courntryside, just like he said. It's an old road built along a railroad that is no longer used. It is bordered by ash, oak, mulberry, silver birch trees, and vines and shrubs. Also, there are various trails and paths that can be taken off of the road. There are a couple of bridges to walk under. Also, there is a half-pipe (for skateboarders) that was burnt out in the middle of it by some naughty boys who lit a bike on fire and ruined it for everyone else (according to a local). The boys still had fun running up and down the sides. Sam would slide down and shis shirt would rub up off his belly. Since it was made of fiberglass he got to itching and scratching so badly he was crying. Fortunately this was on the way home.

The boys also ran up the side of a grassy hill to some trees over hanging the side and were swinging on a rope tied to a branch. Jake found a panel of wood that they used to sled down the grassy hill.

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