Good Friday

Today we caught a bus right out on Archway. We sat on the second deck. We took it into Camden Town. Aunt Cari warned us about the exotic people we would see. She said it was like Melrose on steroids, but since I'm not from Southern California I couldn't relate.
It was like this giant street fair with many different streets and a river. There were markets with their goods pulled out onto the sidewalks and streets. There were downstairs and upstairs shopping and eating boothes. It was crowded like a busy Saturday at Mill Avenue only it was 10am on Friday and Cari said that on the weekends you can't walk because it's to busy.

The aroma of jerk seasoning and falafels and kangaroo burgers and other ethnic spices were making us hungry. We weren't used to such a spicy ethnic smell the past week.
I must say I am very happy with my kids. I was especially worried about Sam because I knew our western European holiday would involve lots of walking, busyt crowds and hustle and bustle, but he's enjoying himself. The markets, and walking strolling, squeezing through people is no problem. He, Luke and Jake are up for it and doing well and mostimportantly, enjoying themselves.
From Camden Town we took the tube to London Bridge. It seems every trainstop, every location we go to is unique, beautiful in its own way, and crowded. Not so crowded that ist aggravating, but so full of people and its only Friday afternoon. Granted it is Good Friday and a bank holday.

Cari said if you're bored with London then you're bored with life. Debbie said she heard the same aabout Italy. I've never been, but I can buy it about London. London Bridge has much to do food market, and wine places under bridges and in historical alley ways and then youget to the Thames with its own beauty.

We walked up the river Thames to till we got to the Tate Modern museum. The featured artist was Damien Hirst. If you've been in London the past week (probably longer even ) you've seen "Damien Hirst" in the Undergound, on buses, in stations, and newsperpers.

The line for the Damien Hirst exhibit was wrapping around too many turnstiles to be worth the wait so we went to the 4th floor to the Yasoi Kasama.
We split up after the museum: i took Luke and Sam to Highgate Woods park, Sari, Cari, and Jake went back to Camden Town and Pop and Grandma went to St. Johns.
We met a very friendly and talkative mum on the tube. Sam was having a meltdown and she was being very supportinve. We enjoyed Highgate Woods, though I think I prefered Waterlow Park from a few days ago. Sam like this one better because of the playground. Luke's not sure. Also, being Good Friday it was crowded. We walked home - I had to use IPhone maps for the route. We came home to anothre night of comfort food - meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. We noticed that the homeowner had movies that weren't out on DVD yet like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and The Tree of Life.

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